Market News|EMPEROR Xpro| Global Leading Online CF

Short Aud/Jpy CAUSE IT'S GOING DOWN and what are the odds that at week

Market News|EMPEROR Xpro| Global Leading Online CF

CHF is going to get more power versus JPY. on a daily chart maybe we h

Market News|EMPEROR Xpro| Global Leading Online CF

AUDJPY has came down to the point of 69.579 and arced back up and rete

Market News|EMPEROR Xpro| Global Leading Online CF

Market Commentary:

The trend is bullish or in bearish, i w

Market News|EMPEROR Xpro| Global Leading Online CF

As you see on the chart, the price will make an ascending channel on 1

Market News|EMPEROR Xpro| Global Leading Online CF

i maked that aftter 7h seeing this and trade... i win with the buy and