Market News|EMPEROR Xpro| Global Leading Online CF

Eur Usd moved up as expected from last sunday's analysis.
This daily

Market News|EMPEROR Xpro| Global Leading Online CF

Well, this pair was an interesting one. It kept going up and didn't st

Market News|EMPEROR Xpro| Global Leading Online CF

#EURUSD still some room upside go towards Resistance 1.1225/30 where s

Market News|EMPEROR Xpro| Global Leading Online CF

Just wait for the entry confirmation of 5EMA Crossing with 13EMA the p

Market News|EMPEROR Xpro| Global Leading Online CF

This pair sat at the neckline of 1.0835 for quite some time even makin

Market News|EMPEROR Xpro| Global Leading Online CF

eurusd shady alsadany 3/11/2019