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From the low on 20th February, EurCad has risen almost 800 pips and fr

Market News|EMPEROR Xpro| Global Leading Online CF

The pitchfork is angled for a long, and seems to be the beginning of a

Market News|EMPEROR Xpro| Global Leading Online CF

The rally on GBPJPY isnt over yet i believe, came right at the area

Market News|EMPEROR Xpro| Global Leading Online CF

hello guys, saya sedang mencoba melihat ada potensi kenaikan atau mung

Market News|EMPEROR Xpro| Global Leading Online CF

The world is in interest rate cut mode.

Yesterday FED cut the interes

Market News|EMPEROR Xpro| Global Leading Online CF

USDSGD now is based below HVN at level 1.3887 which indicates that pai