Textbook sucker rally ABC

2019-11-18 18:43:18

Pound in distribution phase I think. There should be an option in between analysis and education.
ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC. We want to absorb as many examples as possible.

You know you got it when you can just watch the news like anyone else, then stare at the chart and phase out,
and come up knowing what to do, without ever having to think about it.

It is NEVER exactly the same situation thought of course, so complete brainlets that cannot separate relevant facts from nonsense and complete trolling and that can't produce anything more than an overly simple 0 added value copy paste are out of the game, I believe this eliminates 90 to 99% people lol.


Of all pairs GBPJPY is the one that I think has the best RR.

You can see there is divergence on the RSI, I know people like useless indicators so I added it ;)
61.8% is also an interesting level usually. Sometimes.

Can go all the way down or not.
Can't really tell how much brexit fud there will be, I'm sure if one tried hard enough and had enough foresight one could, history keeps repeating itself it's ridiculous.
So I have some ideas for possible targets. We can be in either case (if this is the top):

(Or as I call them, baghodlers)


Oh actually it somehow ressembles something every one knows about... Something not worth trading but you cannot miss since EVERY ONE KEEPS TALKING ABOUT IT (dw not mainstream at all).

Another one:

I don't remember where I saw it because I am not a machine but I know what this is and what is often does.
I let my brain do the thinking, I don't need to know how he gets its info.

Already sold some because I'm tired of missing out and I'll double up if it reaches entry again.

I wonder if there are institutions running the price up on purpose to trap suckers and get filled, so to get a big RR. And to get filled on stops.