GBP AUD TF M15 09.03.20 Long

2020-03-09 15:11:42


Buy 1.99454 (0.1 Lot)
SL 1.98391 (70 Dollar)
TP 2.07711 (540 Dollar)

GBP AUD is still un uptrend. Suggest open buy according to trend. There is symmetric triangle in M15. Current price aroun bottom triangle and stoch oversold. SL below the triangle.

The Fed just cut rate 2 weeks ago and this movement will be followed by other countries. Australia have cut their rate on 3 Mar. UBS and Goldma Sachs predicted BoE will cut rate around 25 Mar during their meeting. On 16 Mar , Andrew Bailey will take over Mark Carney position and migh have important announcement to make at the time. We have up to 16 Mar to hold onto this potition.

Risk reward 1:8

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Please use proper management; may the Pips be with you :)