2019-11-06 20:30:28

Trade (1)

Entry Type : Market Sell @ CMP 1.00090
Stop Loss : 1.10250
Take Profit : 1.09650
R/R : 3.44
R/R % : .5% / 1.72%

Trade (2)

Entry Type : Limit Sell @ 1.10185
Stop Loss : 1.10250
Take Profit : 1.09650
R/R : 8.25
R/R % : .5% / 4.12%

Technical Analysis:

Price Action has has a bullish pullback. I believe the bullish pullback to be over as we can see price action has rejected the 71.0 & 61.8 Fibonacci level multiple times on the H1 time frame and is coming in for a H4 Doji. My stop loss is placed above the 88.6 Fibonacci level which coincides with a minor supportturned resistance. My take profit level is placed slightly above the -27.2 Fibonacci extension . Both trades outlined have the required criteria for my trade rules to enter the position.