Intraday prospects for oil are negative, while gold and silver a

2020-03-03 15:08:50

F'yuchersy na neft' Brent (ICE) v techeniye dnya: Indeks otnositel'noy sily (RSI) podayet neodnoznachnyye i negativnyye signaly. Rekomenduyutsya korotkiye pozitsii pri torgovle nizhe 49,45 s tselevymi urovnyami 48,12 i 47,63 dollara. Pri torgovle vyshe 49,45 mozhno ozhidat' dal'neyshego rosta, k 50,27 i 50,70 dollara.

Brent Crude Oil Futures (ICE) throughout the day: The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is giving mixed and negative signals. Short positions are recommended when trading below 49.45 with target levels of 48.12 and 47.63 dollars. With trade above 49.45, further growth can be expected, to 50.27 and 50.70 dollars.