Two sceanrios for USDCAD @ the decision Zone

2020-03-01 22:22:25

Hey Guys Bad News :
I have lost more than 70 publications of mine Thanks to the admins (They have hidden them because I have added my telegram channel's link to the description)
With that I have also lost my REPUTATION ranking.
- I hope you guys will help me get them back by liking my ideas. Thank you so much for your support.

- USDCAD was rejected on Friday from 1.346.
- We will be expecting the price to visit the decision Area.
- We are planning for 2 sceanrios :
1- Bullish :
- Price react the S/R Zone and Bounce to the upside
- After a price action confirmation, we will be looking to long this pair

2- Bearish :
- Price react the S/R Zone and Break it to down side.
- After a price action confirmation, a clear break and a retest we will be looking to short this pair.

Guys Please