The pair will continue its uptrend movement towards its previous high. Poland is set to publish its fourth and final quarter gross domestic product (GDP) growth for fiscal 2019. Analysts anticipate the country to post lower figures following a downgrade from Bank Polski. State-controlled PKO BP said it is expecting the country to grow 3.5%, down by 0.2% from earlier forecast. The reason for the revised growth forecast was due to rising inflation. In January, Poland had a 4.4% interest rate which is higher than the inflation target of 2% to 4%. The figure is the highest recorded data since 2013. The country also came under pressure from the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union. Poland is among the countries who benefited from the EU budgets. The withdrawal of the UK, however, will leave a hole in the budget. This could spell trouble for the Polish economy. Meanwhile, America will continue its longest economic expansion in history.