Going to publish a bunch of findings discovered as a result of extensive technical research on the FX market. Can't disclose too many details as I also have some serious losses to catch up with.
Losses not to have been incurred completely as fair as one would think, and it's not your broker you are up against!
USD bulls have a bunch of scripts running pushing everything they can out of the floating market to keep USD afloat .. overlooking one simple thing with a huge impact..
So much for a free floating market.
To clarify here, if you are a USD bear you are most likely not fighting your broker or MM. That is all lies (make believe) by the USD bulls. During the course of my research I discovered how competition is evolving and I witnessed a free truly floating market probably less than ten times. While I've been on the charts 24x5 for almost 3 years now, most of the time it is informed traders pushing price as soon a trade comes in. Ever wondered why you are always on the losing end somehow?
How do I know this? Without disclosing too much of my trade secrets, let's say I developed ways to distinct a free floating market from a manipulated one.
The TradingView Forex chat room is used extensively to spread random wisdom made up be anyone about the FX market. Be aware!