USD/PLN will continue to move higher in the following days

2020-02-11 15:26:19

The pair will continue to move higher in the following days after it broke out from a key resistance line. Poland agreed to buy $4.6 billion worth of US made F-35 fighter jets. This was amid the increasing gap in the relationship between Poland and Russia. Recently, the two (2) countries are engaged in a word war over who started the World War II. Polish Ambassador to Russia Georgette Mosbacher tweeted that Hitler and Stalin colluded to start WWII. Russian Parliament Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin responded by saying the tweet was an insult to Russians and Americans. The rift between the former USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) were favorable to Americans. In recent months, the United States has been building up the defense in the eastern bloc. This was after the US and Russia withdraw from the 1987 nuclear pact treaty, the INF (Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces). The US and Russia are also engaged in a Cold War in the Middle East.