Pound to go up

2020-01-21 17:52:05

I try not looking too much to crosses and lose focus, but here I think it looks good.
The pound spiked alot around when Boris Johnson got elected, then pulled back, and I think it could continue up around now.

On this pair there is a pattern but also could be that buyers are having a hard time pushing it up and there are more gamblers that bought before elections taking profit.


See it alot more in penny stocks (and crypto) where pros are absent so very bad investors are driving the price (+the whales scamming them)


There's also the reactions to Trump tweets or also the time bots thought a test sms for nuclear threat (was that it?) was real. Can't front run the light speed bots, but can fade them after the move is done.

Can't really think of that many examples rn.

There are here also the retail traders that see a head and shoulders