Target set, now you have to start the race yourself

2020-01-12 08:18:00

It is not uncommon for us to spend so much time analysing a chart, drawing lines, studying the price actions, reading up news, checking forums and analysts' comments, etc but when come to pulling the trigger, we sometimes become frozen.

Here, I have indicated the profit target and tomorrow morning, I will be hitting the buy button. Will you join me and ride the bullish trend or will you continue to check and check and not take any action ?

Your results come from your action.

Your action comes from your decisions.

Your decisions come from your thoughts.

Where are your thoughts inputs ? - Media, own beliefs, 3rd parties' influence, etc. If your thoughts are represented as 100%, what % will you attribute it to being positive and negative ?

The accumulation of both will shape your thinking over time. If you had been told trading/investing is risky and have heard one too many about people losing their shirt, mortgaging their houses to repay debts and all, then you are obviously missing the bigger picture.
Please note that by simply ignoring these negativity, you are in a way influencing your mind to focus on the only and other option - the positive. What if your portfolio makes a 6% annual return ? And if you could reinvest the money year after year , what would this sum of money do for you in 10 , 20 or 30 years down the road ? And if this is conservative returns and you think it is do-able, what is holding you back from doing it ?

Continue to find reasons to do something or excuses not to do something. It boils to a decision.
And the decision come from your thoughts.

So think good thoughts, positive thoughts, lovely and joyful ones.