The BANK can legally rob you, but you cant ROB the BANK

2020-01-04 02:59:50

On this chart we can see 2 possible BUY areas highlighted by our yellow boxes, they are really strong BUY areas as they are placed on STRONG support and resistance areas that line up with the 3rd touch of a trend line, We always say that the 3rd touch is the strongest and most likely to generate a bounce of price so third touch with a strong support and resistance level then you are laughing all the way to the bank.

Again see how simple my charts are!? you only need half a brain to learn how to trade, all these big banks and so called trading gurus put information on the internet that is incorrect to purposely make you fail because when you fail they get your money... Doesn't sound so far fetched now hey? The banks are the biggest robbers going and do it all day in broad daylight, but if you rob a bank you get locked up.... let that sink in for a minute.

Sometimes you have to look at things from a different angle to succeed, if you believe everything you are told in trading and in life you will get nowhere!

Hope this has opened your eyes a little ;p