Brexit FUD is over. Labour party worse result since 1935!

2019-12-16 16:23:13

I am so proud of the UK. In the 1930s they rejected the growing populism in the world, and in 2019 they did the same.
All the propaganda, all the demonizing, and the forces of anti-freedom still lost, but a huge margin!

And if europe falls, we shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.

The short sellers got scammed hard. "Oh no the GB economy will collapse if they leave". Those shorts have started to burn.
Their will be suckers rally, which I intend to join.
But I see the pound going up in general (different pairs may have different results at least the GBP against the EURO will I am nearly certain, continue to skyrocket).

Bears are getting their faces ripped off...

The perfect move would look like this:

We need a desperate attempt by GBP bears to get filled at a high RR in a high probability area.

What is good for us, on tradingview, Boris Johnson said he wanted the UK to be a world leader in tech innovations and finance.
They totally understand and support what we do, and want more of it.

I think the UK is going to be pretty safe from extremism as it has always been.
I wonder what deal they're going to get and how things will be for Ireland, and what will happen in Scotland, for some reason alot want to stay in the EU.
The experiment is about to fall apart, they should at least wait a few years before making emotional decisions...

There are so many medium sized and small countries in europe but a huge block like what it become is too much.
Different cultures languages etc... Did they think they could create something like the United States?
Germany Austria and Hungary could merge, maybe a little more, and being bigger like this would make them more relevant, Belgium the Netherlands and Luxembourg could merge to not be as small, Denmark Sweden Norway maybe Finland, Estonia Latvia Lithuania could merge.
I think it would be beneficial to them to make unions of 3 to 5 countries, rather than have all these tiny places, who knows or cares about Slovenia seriously?

Instead of 35 irrelevant countries in Europe, it could be a place with a few large federations or unions.
Right now to me Europe is: UK - Portugal - Spain - France - Italy - Germany - Poland - Ukraine - Romania - Greece - (Sweden) - (Turkey) - (Maghreb) - (Russia) - The Rest

In () the places that are peripherical to "main" europe.

Europe maybe made sense right after WW2, but this does not make as much sense anymore (also, we built a huge empire around germany to keep their conquest ambitions tamed?).
Europe is too ambitious and makes little sense. It's so big that it doesn't work and no one outside of it takes it really seriously. The place could have around a dozen merged states instead of 35+ and they would all have a certain importance, it would make european countries more relevant and recognizable, China would speak to the Polish Lithuanian commonwealth and take them seriously, but you think they care about Latvia and Belarus? Does anyone in the USA Or SEA have any clue Belarus even exists?
Poland + Lithuania + Latvia + Estonia + Belarus + Ukraine have a combined population of 100 million and a GDP of 900 billion, close to 1 trillion, which could bring them to the table with the big boys. They would actually be in the top 20 and a force to be reckoned with not some collection of "third world dumps".
But by themselves even the biggest ones - Poland and Ukraine - bring smile to people, no one takes them seriously.
Poland lmao, it's even a joke in west europe to call someone Polish.

Europe has to fall for european countries to grow together and bloom? Because why consider some alliances if you can just join europe.
Would also be nice to be able to trade some relevant (and uncorrelated) currencies because mini currencies like the Polish Zloty let me tell you they suck!
And low liquidity, high spreads... The currency doesn't even move by itself according to its own country economy...

We live in an open world, earth is much bigger than europe, so tiny countries do not make much sense anymore. This doesn't mean they should go for the complete extreme with an union of 25 countries that speak different languages...

As usual, people are only able to think in extremes, and it failed. AS IT ALWAYS DOES. Good riddance. Long live the queen.