December 13th USDHCF Chart Analysis

2019-12-13 13:57:41


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I will begin USDHCF Chart Analysis for December 13th

This is XAUUSD Gold Chart Analysis for yesterday.

First, it followed route A and then it touched the line at $1,486.

Right after, it suddenly dropped right to the entry point of route B.

It is about $25 movement.

Congratulations for those who made profits.

Today we have USDCHF 30m candle chart.

To briefly summarize,

1. Please check route A & B with A’s long position B’s short position entry timing and each price points.

2. If the price goes down below A long position entry point, please check route B’s short position.
Please also check whether the price goes over the orange trend line / and then the next parallel resistance line.

3. When it follows route B, please check the price touches 1H candle chart’s Bollinger band resistance line twice. If it touches twice, please refer to route A. If it does not make twice and lose its power, please enter short position.

Please check the first convergence section for two orange lines.

The “sad face” line below is stacked with other supporting lines. So, if it drops below this point, it would cause a drastic fall. (Not only for today, but also you should make it clear next week)

This is it for today.

Recently, GBPUSD / EURUSD, which have opposite direction to USDCHF, are on good uptrend. Please check the movements too.

I’ll wrap up for today.

Hope you had a good week.

I will come back to you next Monday.

Thank you.

(Translation Help
Jae Ho Shin)